News, Articles & Knowledge

Unleashing the Power of Lead Scoring for Digital Marketing

30-May-2024 14:12:41 | 4 Minute Read

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, lead scoring stands out as a powerful tool that can revolutionise your approach to customer engagement and conversion. By effectively implementing lead scoring, you can streamline your efforts, enhance efficiency, and ultimately drive better results for your business. So, let's dive into the concept of lead scoring, explore its implications, and provide a step-by-step guide on how to adopt this essential strategy moving forward.

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Topics: Strategy, Digital Marketing, HubSpot, Lead Generation, B2B

5 Lead Generation Ideas for Your B2B Business in 2024

26-Mar-2024 11:42:09 | 7 Minute Read

Does your B2B company find it increasingly difficult to generate high quality leads? This is a challenge marketeers are facing in 2024 for several reasons including increased privacy concerns, a rise in content created by AI platforms leading to over-saturation of the market, and continuous platform changes. Coupled with an uncertain economic climate, marketing departments are also faced with reduced budgets and deals closing at a slower pace, as potential opportunities have become more risk averse. This means we must rethink how we generate leads.  

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Topics: Strategy, Digital Marketing, Lead Generation, B2B