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Mr A Alexander Taylor Partners with Innovation Visual

Posted by Kate on 11-Mar-2022 13:00:17
| 2 Minute Read

We are delighted to announce our recent client partnership with AA Taylor Medical Consulting and Mr A Alexander Taylor, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist who leads this private medical consulting practice in Dorset. We are looking forward to working in partnership with Mr Taylor to provide ongoing digital marketing services to help achieve some ambitious growth goals for his practice.

About AA Taylor Medical Consulting 

Based in Bournemouth, Alex Taylor established AA Taylor Medical Consulting alongside his work in the NHS as a women’s health specialist. Mr Taylor has over 25 years’ experience as a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and uses his private practice to extend the services he is able to offer women in the Hampshire, Dorset and Wiltshire areas. Mr Taylor’s key areas of expertise include specialist menopause care and Mona Lisa Touch therapy, an innovative laser-based treatment designed to alleviate a range of menopausal and postpartum gynaecological issues.

Find out more about Mr A Alexander Taylor and the services he offers here.

Innovation Visual digital marketing client Dr AA Taylor with nurse

Supporting AA Taylor Medical Consulting with Digital Marketing Services 

In our discussion, Mr Taylor highlighted several key goals which we used to guide the development of our digital marketing strategy. His main objective is to attract potential patients for his Mona Lisa Touch therapy treatments but also to grow his practice with patients for other services that he offers including Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Menopause care.

Paid Advertising 

As part of our strategy to achieve Mr Taylor’s short term lead strategy goal, we have devised a PPC strategy to generate leads whilst organic search comes to fruition. We have created granular Google Ad campaigns to target different audiences’ dependant on their needs and health issues based on targeted keyword research. Ongoing monitoring and optimisation will ensure we bring in relevant traffic to maximise conversions and return on ad spend.

Search Engine Optimisation 

As part of the SEO strategy, we initially conducted a full SEO audit of the site, allowing us to identify any key issues which can be fixed in order to improve the health of the site. Once any highlighted technical SEO fixes have been made, we will then implement various other SEO tactics such as link building, local search, and content strategy to improve the visibility of the site and get it ranking higher in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

Content Strategy

Aligned with our SEO Strategy we have also created a detailed Content Strategy which focuses on the key stage of the buyers journey, whilst aligning with the key terms highlighted from our keyword research and target personas. We will be creating specific pages relating to individual services to target users’ specific needs and to improve the user experience of the site. Useful and helpful content will also be developed to create awareness of Mr Taylor’s site and lead buyers to through the funnel, whilst building visibility, authority and trust with search engines and users.

Nuffield Health Bournemouth Hospital reception

We Can Support Your Digital Marketing Too

We are delighted to be working with Mr Taylor to support his digital marketing efforts and we are looking forward to helping him achieve his business goals and watching his practice scale. If you would like to find out how we can transfrom your digital marketing strategy and business results, then get in contact with our team of expert digital marketeers today.

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Topics: SEO, Work, News, Content, Digital Marketing, Content Strategy & Planning