We use a range of video conferencing platforms to provide the best possible experience to our clients. If you have a preference for a particular software or platform, we’ll be happy to adapt to your needs. However, for most conference calls we tend to use Microsoft Teams or Zoom.

You may already be very experienced with both or either of these platforms, but we don’t like to make assumptions! For your convenience we’ve provided details on how to set-up and prepare for a call below.

If you have any additional questions about an upcoming call, meeting or webinar with any of the Innovation Visual team, be sure to reach out to us at team@innovationvisual.com or on 0333 772 05 09.

Download Links


Microsoft Teams - https://products.office.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/download-app

Zoom - https://zoom.us/download


iOS, Microsoft Teams - https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/microsoft-teams/id1113153706

iOS, Zoom - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/zoom-cloud-meetings/id546505307

Android, Microsoft Teams - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.microsoft.teams&hl=en_GB

Android, Zoom - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=us.zoom.videomeetings&hl=en_GB

Getting Started

Please note you may need to setup an account (which is free) on whichever platform is being used before being able to join a conference call. Do remember to download the correct application as well. If you’re working on a Mac, you’ll need to download the right software specific to your operating system. Don’t worry, the download process will talk you through this, millions of people use these apps, and they have made them very user friendly.

If you’re unable to download software to your computer for any reason (admin restrictions for instance), it is also possible to join meetings on both Zoom and Teams through a browser. You’ll still need an account but this is very easy to set up – all you need is an email address.  but you should only require a link which will be provided by one of the team in good time before your meeting.

It is completely free for you to create an account and join a call. There are paid options for people wanting to host a call, but to join a call no payment or billing details are required.

Joining a Teams Call

There are a number of ways to join a pre-booked Teams meeting. Below we’ve listed the various different ways and the steps involved to join a call.

Microsoft Outlook Calendar Invite

  1. Whilst in Outlook click on the calendar icon in the bottom left hand toolbar.
  2. If a meeting has been accepted, you’ll see an item on the day in question.
  3. Click or open the item.
  4. You should see an option to join the meeting.

screenshot of teams link in outlook

  1. Upon clicking the join link either your browser or Teams application will open – depending on whether you’ve installed the application.
  2. You’ll then be given the option to join the meeting.

joining a teams video call

  1. You want to make sure both your audio and video camera options are set to active. As shown in the above screenshot. You’ll also see a preview of your own camera. If it’s a video call, it’s worth ensuring you’ve got good lighting and you’re in an appropriate environment – yours shouldn’t be yellow.
  2. Then you can click “Join now” and you’ll be entered into the meeting.

Teams Calendar Invite:

You can follow the same setup as above to join directly through Teams. The only change is the Calendar you use.

  1. Open the Teams App OR login to your Teams account via a browser window
  2. Navigate to the calendar section of Teams.
    teams calendar invite
  3. If there’s an event in your calendar, you’ll be able to select it here.
  4. Once in the calendar invite on Teams, you’ll given the option to join. You’ll also see who else is attending and already in the call within this area.

teams calendar invite screenshot

Directly from Email:

You can also join directly from an email. When you are invited to a Teams meeting, you will always receive an email of some kind. These emails include a link to the meeting to make joining as simple as possible. Once accepted this link also becomes available within your Outlook calendar (as well as most other calendars used if linked correctly i.e. Google Calendar).

For more information on troubleshooting a call or meeting you can review the information on the Microsoft support website. You can also contact us directly with any issues you might be having when joining a call.

Joining a Zoom Call

Zoom has a number of ways you can join. This ensures a seamless conference experience.

Meeting Link:

Prior to any meeting with one of the Innovation Visual team you will have received a Zoom link. This link will look something like the following: https://zoom.us/j/940358...

  1. Once you click the link provided you should be taken to a page similar to the one shown below:

example of zoom meeting invite details

  1. You will then be able to join the meeting. If the meeting organiser hasn’t yet arrived, you may have to wait in the ‘lobby’ until this point.
  2. As the description in the image states, you can also download and run Zoom directly on your computer. This is recommended if you often use Zoom for calls.

NB: If you’re running Zoom on your browser, you may need to check your browser has the proper access to both your microphone and video camera. Without these permissions being accepted, your Zoom call will not work properly. 

Meeting ID:

Along with a link, you should also have been provided an ID as a backup in case the link doesn’t work. This is a unique meeting ID which you can use to join the conference call. If accessing on a browser, you can enter this ID on the following page:

Once you join, you’ll follow the same steps as you would when using a link. The same process also applies when using the application.

For more details on joining a Zoom meeting you can see their help centre. Or again, talk to one of the Innovation Visual team who’d be happy to help with your issue/question.



Video Conferencing Etiquette

Much of the etiquette to consider when attending a remote meeting or call is common sense. However, following best practices can help to ensure the best experience for all parties.


Good audio quality is essential for meetings over Teams and Zoom. As you might only be having an audio call in some situations, understanding what people say is key to avoiding miscommunication.

The lack of video also makes it harder to understand people’s emotions, so good audio helps people to interpret what you say more effectively. Making audio even more vital.

Avoiding loud and busy environments is also beneficial as many mics and struggle to isolate your voice alone. However, software like krisp can help with this where unavoidable. Using quality headphones or a specific microphone can also help to improve audio quality. Remember to change your device settings in the application you are using beforehand though.

Using specific headphones and not listening with external speakers also stops feedback (echo) on calls (which is often worse with poor connections). So, using this kind of equipment is recommended when possible.

Muting your microphone, when on large webinars or conference calls, is also a good idea. This stops any background noise (talking, typing or crying kids) from disrupting the call for others. You can always unmute temporarily if you need to speak.

Zoom additionally has the option to ‘raise your hand’ on some calls and meetings. On large calls with a number of people the delay in audio can mean people often talk over each other. To avoid this, using the raise your hand feature is a good thing to get in the habit of. To do this, click on the hand icon at the bottom of the screen. The presenter can then see who wants to grab their attention.


Depending on the call, video isn’t always needed. However, a lot of the time it’s nice to see the person you’re talking too, especially when introducing yourself. When using video, it’s important to setup your computer or webcam in a good position – facing directly at your face. Having a well-lit environment also helps with video quality as low light rooms will increase the noise of a video call. It is also a good idea to have a quick look at what is around you, so that nothing unexpected is visible in your video.

If you’re struggling with bandwidth and your video is stuttering it may be worth disabling your camera. This ensures you can still hear and understand the person you’re talking to. On some platforms it’s also possible to change the streaming quality – although most of the time this happens automatically. There will be a camera icon on screen which you can click to turn your camera on and off within the platform you are using.

When joining a webinar, it’s not necessary to have your video switched on. This could potentially be disruptive to the webinar, especially if joining late.

Screen Sharing

On some conference calls sharing your screen can be essential. Whether it’s to go through a technical how-to or share a document. This is a simple process on Teams and Zoom and we have outlined the steps below:


  1. Whilst in a meeting click the ‘share’ button. The icon is a box with an arrow inside.
  2. You can then choose which window or application you want to share. Be careful not to share any private or confidential information when doing this.
  3. If this is the first time you’ve shared your screen on Teams you may get an alert pop up. It’s important you give Teams full access to record and view your screen. You may need to exit the application before any changes come into effect.




  1. To share your screen, you’ll need to first be in a call or meeting.
  2. Once in the meeting you can click on the screen share option at the bottom of the video screen
  3. You’ll then be given a number of options to select from, including:
    1. Screen 1,2 etc…
    2. Whiteboard
    3. iPhone/iPad



 Tips for Calls

1. Save time starting the call. As many participants won’t have used such a tool before, send them the link to download in advance

2. Get to know each other quickly. Ask everyone to turn on their camera using the Video Camera icon on the toolbar at the bottom of their screen.

3. Accelerate relationships. As the meeting starts, ask everyone to say Hi in the chat pane, add their location, favourite food or something is a great ice breaker.

4. Minimise noise interruptions. Ask all to mute their microphone by clicking on the microphone icon on the toolbar.

5. As the meeting organiser you can “Mute All” too (on Zoom not Teams). Go to Select Participants, then select Mute All.

6. Try not to talk over each other - unlike being in a real room video calls don't deal with multiple people talking simultaneously. 

7. Want a more professional looking background than your couch? Click on the arrow beside the video icon, select Virtual Background (Zoom). Although 'real' background add to personality.


Contact Us

We hope that this handy guide has given you all the information you need to easily join a web meeting on either Microsoft Teams or Zoom.

If you have any additional questions about an upcoming call, meeting or webinar with any of the Innovation Visual team, get in touch with us at team@innovationvisual.com, on 0333 772 05 09 or by using the form on this page.