Digital Marketing News, Articles & Insights

Working from Home to Provide Digital Marketing Services

Written by Jo L.S. | 20-Mar-2020 12:30:00

The COVID-19 situation has had an impact on all aspects of our lives. From avoiding pubs and clubs to cancellations of major events to our working situations, with the UK government advising social distancing and working from home where possible.

The Innovation Visual team are no strangers to remote working. We are continuing to provide effective digital marketing services and produce great work and excellent results for our clients, to our expected high standards. This will not change, and we will be working even harder to ensure our clients' success in these difficult times!

Best Things About Working from Home

Whether you’re new to the phenomenon of remote working or an old hand, with a fully kitted-out home office, we decided to have a look at our list of the best things about working from home.

No More Rush Hour

No more queuing in an endless sea of red lights, or squeezing onto overcrowded commuter trains and arriving at work irritable and caffeine depleted. Enjoy your daily lie in and stroll to your desk, coffee in hand, with time to spare! The spare time can also mean you may be able to be that little bit more productive!

Listen to whichever Radio Station you like

No more arguing over whose music tastes are best, or sneakily changing the station when your desk mate pops out. Sort out your own personal productivity playlist and enjoy.

Stay Cool

Finally, you are able to maintain the perfect working temperature. Always warm in the office, but everyone else is inexplicably freezing? Open that window, there's no one to close it when you leave the room.

Carbon Emissions

No more commute and the overall reduction in traffic means that a huge amount of carbon is being saved. Perhaps that doesn’t completely mitigate the disappointment of your cancelled flight, but every little helps to support the environment


The most important benefit of working from home at this time is of course to keep well and help prevent the spread of this highly contagious virus. By stopping unnecessary travelling and maintaining social distancing, we are all helping to protect our wider community and the most vulnerable in society, as well as taking the pressure off the health system.

Contact Innovation Visual

Our team is fully operational and able to support our clients to the same high standards that you have come to expect.

If your business needs strategic digital marketing support during these challenging times, get in touch with Innovation Visual